READ FOR AFRICA was started in March 2000 by Jenny Taylor (M. Ed) as the vehicle to bring the Phono-Graphix Reading Method into South Africa. Read For Africa is actively involved in skills development, enterprise development as well as social development.
Illiteracy and reading failure are prevalent throughout the world. Whilst Read For Africa acknowledges that low literacy levels in South Africa are largely due to the inequalities of the past and the lack of access to resources, there is also huge evidence demonstrating that poor literacy skills (reading and spelling specifically) is a global problem and that first world countries are experiencing similar challenges. These problems are due to the way in which reading is being taught and is not only a question of access.
Organisations are faced with challenges of illiteracy, nationally and globally and there is often very little time to address these skills. Although lack of access to learning opportunities may account for part of the poor literacy rates in South Africa, children who have educated parents and learners who have been exposed to reading instruction, are still failing to learn to read both in South Africa and globally. People are illiterate because current methods of reading instruction do not work for everyone and basic skills are not taught in context.
READ FOR AFRICA is committed to the effective Assessment and Development of Reading Skills which become life skills and not merely allow learners to function in limited environments where they can identify a few key words, brand names etc. Services are therefore provided in the area of assessment and development of reading skills at both a school and tertiary level. Read For Africa works with a variety of learners ranging from completely illiterate children and adults to people who can read as well as highly qualified professionals, that need assistance with their spelling, comprehension and thinking skills.
READ FOR AFRICA specialises in integrating basic reading skills into all curricula including numeracy as preparation for ABET, skills and learnership programmes. Read For Africa has therefore been involved in the development of materials as well as the facilitation of fundamental unit standards for qualifications, including Hygiene and Cleaning, New Venture Creation, Event Support, Sport Recreation, Fitness Leadership qualifications and Business Practice.
READ FOR AFRICA identified the need for traditional ABET to be marketed differently and de-emphasise the “basic” education aspect. Read For Arica therefore provides ABETter solution through its World of Work (WOW) programme. Adults develop mathematical and communication skills using real-life examples assisting people to understand their own pay slips, to budget and to complete work-related paperwork while working towards achieving various unit standards.